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Our family



We are a very uncommon family, 3 different nationalities working hand in hand.


All our kitchen staff is Burmese.


Nicky (Thai) is actually an interior designer who always had the dream to open a restaurant, because he is a passionate cook.


We met in Phuket, where I (Sonja, German) then worked as a diving instructor. 









After the tsunami had destroyed Nickys company in 2004, we had to turn away from Phuket and lived for a while in Chiang Mai and Bangkok. But since we both love to stay by the sea, we were looking 2009 for land on Koh Phayam and built bungalows.



Here we celebrate the first birthday of little Tara with one of Nicky's famous cheesecake.






If you have any questions about how to get to Koh Phayam and to Friends Bungalow please have a look at the page 'Infos'. You will find directions and everything we know about Bus, Boat, Plane and Motorbikes.



We also have a facebook page with many pictures and a lot of information, please have a look, just klick on the link below,


you don't need to have an own facebook account to see our  page.    

